Bellevue: August 27th 2008

Bellevue, 08/27/08
Thank you so much to our long-devoted artists, Sal Amendola, Ray Alma, and Julia Durgee who attended this special night at Bellevue. And a very warm welcome to our new member who also joined us, Lewis Matheney! Lewis described the kids as “full of energy and enthusiasm” and said a great time was had by all. Laurina Rollicks, the Program Director there also tells me the children eagerly look forward to our visits so we’ll definitely be back again soon. Thank you, volunteers, for making tonight such a special time!
Click here for more photos.

New York Methodist Hospital: August 26th 2008

Welcome back, Rami! Our old friend has returned for what will now be a monthly midday event at NYMH. Rami was also joined by our very talented new member, Nina Frenkel, who, Rami says, absolutely stole the kids’ hearts. If your schedule is a little more flexible, check in with me about this regular event- you can draw with the group or learn more about hospital requirements that would allow you to draw one on one with children who are not able to leave their rooms.  Click here for more photos.